Oct 5, 2010

The Lobby Bar: Check Into One of Seattle's Best

The sign for The Lobby Bar, illuminated in a neon green light, instantly grabbed my attention and pulled me across the busy intersection of Pike and Broadway like a moth caught on it's final flight towards a bug zapper. Unlike the moths final experience I'm happy to report that my experience was defiantly buzz worthy.

At The Lobby Bar I found it incredibly easy to approach and strike up a conversation with people around the lounge. This was a refreshing experience to have in a gay bar because other times it has felt like I wasn't only approaching one person but their entire group of friends who would be circling around them like winged monkeys. In fact I was surprised to actually have multiple people come up and start conversations with me.

Walking into the lounge I was quickly greeted by a friendly bartender named Dave who offered me one of The Lobby's newest signature drinks, the 23 oz Lobby Long Island. Thankfully it was Long Island Thursday because the drink was only $6.00! How could I say no to a drink of that size, quality and price? I could get two Lobby Long Islands for the price of a smaller drink at another bar and still have enough cash left over to sample one of the items from the food menu.

The patrons of The Lobby Bar that night covered almost every demographic present on Capitol Hill. From gays, lesbians, straight couples and Seattle hipsters, the crowd was defiantly mixed but yet delightfully gay. I enjoy going into mixed bars, the atmosphere is usually more relaxed and less intense then when you get an entire lounge full of gay men or women.

The Lobby Bar is the official viewing party for Ru Paul's Drag Race and will be having its grand kick off in January when the new season kicks off. I was happy to find out that I could still get my weekly drag dose on Wednesday nights at 8:30 pm when The Lobby Bar hosts an outrageous version of the classic game show Family Feud.

The Lobby Bar is the perfect place to meet people, connect with friends or enjoy one of The Lobby Bar's premium cocktails. The Lobby Bar is the newest LGBT lounge and defiantly one of the best.